OWASP Top 10 - A1 Injection
Description The attacker sends untrusted data that will be injected in the targeted application to change its behaviour. The goal of this attack is usually to »
Description The attacker sends untrusted data that will be injected in the targeted application to change its behaviour. The goal of this attack is usually to »
When starting a new web application, the security risks are sadly often underestimated by everyone (developers, architects, IT, managers…). Web applications are more vulnerable to attacks »
Pour tester des web services, il n’existe pas énormément de solutions open-source. Je vous en propose 2 en fonction du type de tests que vous »
Ceux qui ont déjà exécuté des tests de charge, savent que la machine cliente (celle qui simule les utilisateurs) est aussi importante que le serveur testé. »