OWASP Top 10 - A6 Sensitive Data Exposure
Description We have seen in the previous articles that an experienced attacker can easily intercept data in transit (e.g. on a public Wifi hotspot) or »
Description We have seen in the previous articles that an experienced attacker can easily intercept data in transit (e.g. on a public Wifi hotspot) or »
Description Nowadays, besides the operating system and the JRE, most of the Java applications are based on third-party frameworks, open-source or proprietary. Moreover, a web application »
Description The application exposes a direct reference (functional identifier, database key, file path…) to a resource. Thanks to that direct reference, an attacker can guess other »
Description Cross-Site Scripting is a specific consequence of an injection attack. The goal is to make a web browser execute arbitrary scripting code (Javascript, ActionScript, ActiveX… »
Description The attacker steals his victim’s credentials or any information that will help him impersonating the victim on your application. Examples Client attack To authenticate »